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Universe Laws
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
One Shocking Tip To Manifest Desires
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: Frenchie Music

When people are introduced to the Law of Attraction, they tend to work on increasing their wealth and their living standard. But they are not satisfied, and start to question what they are doing wrong. Below are some helpful tips to fulfill your dreams and goals by applying the law of attraction in your everyday life to manifest desires.

If you’ve studied the law of attraction for any length of time, you probably already know the importance of visualization. However, if you are trying to build a beautiful palace on top of a foundation of sand, you’re going to have problems. For the law of attraction and visualization, this still works. If you try to bring wealth into your life, but you feel deep down that you don’t deserve money, then you’re in for some trouble. In order to get rid of these limiting beliefs, try this out and you’ll find that it is easier than ever to manifest desires.

This won't be a fun exercise, but write down what life would be like in the future if your belief continue to go against your desires. Describe how poor, lonely, and tired you would be as specifically as possible. If it really happens, how miserable you would feel? You definitely cannot accept this terrifying future. I was so dedicated to making sure this didn't happen when I imagine this.

Next, write down on another piece of paper on what your desires are. You should be as descriptive as you were in the first step. This activity will make you feel good. Manifesting what you visualize will make you very happy. You should be as specific as you can get when you write down your desires.

Then you should decide which life you prefer. Set fire on the first piece of paper. This simple act will immediately make you feel so much lighter and free from all your limitations as you literally watch them burn away. You would be attracted to the beautiful future you want by making your mind filled of what you desire.

The Law of Attraction helps a lot ,and I cannot tell you exactly how helpful it would be.   So, please sit down and take the time to do this.  Just remember your limiting beliefs may be out of awareness. If you truly want to manifest your desires, you can try this little technique.

Posted by universelaws at 1:02 AM EDT
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Sunday, 18 July 2010
The Law Of Attraction and Money- Use The LOA To Get Rich
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: Poncho Sanchez


People are looking for some ways to use the law of attraction for money and are hoping to give themselves and their families a better life.  If your life is full of happiness and joy, that sort of wealth is priceless. How can you determine the wealth of your life and how happy you are?

To feel like your life is wealthy, don't go living a lonely and isolated lifestyle.  Is there a price that someone could offer you and in exchange that you have to spend the rest of your life alone? Hard to take such a great amount and have no one to share it with.   Does your bank account and the amount in it represent your happiness? Of course not!

Money becoming abundant is easy to do once you fix your mind by applying the law of attraction, because that will either repel or attract you toward money. The type of wealth you're seeking doesn't come in any amount of cash.  Your happiness isn't in the amount of money, so once you focus on the overall wealth of your life, in happiness and in cash, then you will attract more of both.

You can have your desired lifestyle and wealth by focusing on the overall picture, instead of putting all your efforts into an obsession of being a millionaire. Using the Law of attraction  for money has many steps to it, but many people over look this important factor when applying it.

Adding desperation will only increase this obsession money, like an addiction.   Those who are desperate will find that they will only get more grief and stress, not the thing they were looking for.   As another example of this: You will hurt your chances of love if you show signs of desperation, and desperate vibes.

Understand the universe and its laws, and then you will have an easier time getting your goals to manifest.   You have to have belief that you can do it.   A little faith goes a long way when using the law of attraction.  Don't steer yourself into the position where you have no faith, because then your goals will never be reached.  Keep a positive attitude and continue to believe in your goals, then they will be easier to obtain.

Money being used toward law of attraction isn't bad.   People who say that money is the root of all evil really don't know what they are talking about.   We need money, but there is also a beautiful side to it as well.   The possibilities with money are endless.

People seek answers, philosophical ones at that, by using the law of attraction.  There are so many sides to the law of attraction that are beyond the initial appearance.  Apply the law of attraction in a positive way, affirmations, gratitude, and being respectful toward others because this will take you a long way in reaching your goals.

You'll begin to have a better lifestyle with patience and practice when applying the law of attraction for money.   Practice this law and money will start coming into your life.

Posted by universelaws at 9:28 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Revealed At Last -- The Law Of Manifestation!
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Regina Specktor

The law of manifestation (or attraction) is becoming more popular, as people learn of it and want to learn how to utilize it in forging their own success.It's misunderstood by some as some sort of magic, and by others as a hoax.

The core principal on which the law of manifestation rests is straightforward: thoughts become things.

The confusion is based on this simple concept as well.

Manifesting financial wealth, for instance, may seem to be as simple as imagining checks arriving daily by first-class mail.So you may sit down and think about checks coming in the mail.  One for $10,000 here, one for $20,000 there.   A few weeks - or even months - devoted to this little exercise should yield fantastic results, right?

But we know that all that effort was for naught - no money arrived as a result of your imagining.  Why not?

The most simple explanation is this: thinking about money won't call it into being. The law of manifestation doesn't repeal the basic law of economics: wealth must be earned.

You have to put yourself into alignment in order to get money.  Thinking a great deal about money will heighten your sensitivity to money-making opportunities.Your focus on money will become a "prism" through which you view the daily events of your life, so that when you see a vacant lot, you'll think about how you could make money there, or when you see a broken-down house, you wonder if you could buy it, fix it up and sell it for a profit.

Now, these things didn't just appear because you were thinking about money, you became aware of them because of your heightened sensitivity to money.Before you started concentrating on money, you weren't paying attention to money-making opportunities in your daily routine.  Every moment of our waking lives, we're bombarded with all sorts of information, and to retain our sanity, we pay attention only to that information we believe will be meaningful for us. You probably don’t remember the color of the car you parked next to yesterday at work, or what color the cashier’s eyes were last time you went to the grocery store.  With so much information coming our way, we can deal with only so much, and we basically ignore the rest.

By focusing on an intention, such as attracting money into our lives, we dial into that wavelength and we start to notice money making opportunities we otherwise wouldn’t.  That's how the law of manifestation works.

Think about it.  If you're in a romantic relationship you're happy with, you probably overlook many opportunities to get to know new people, now prospective partners.  Because you're not concentrating about finding someone new, you don't.  Yet if something goes wrong and you find yourself in the dating scene again, you'll find yourself suddenly confronted with all sorts of opportunities to meet new people with whom to explore the possibilities of romance. Those opportunities were always happening, but the fact that you were in a happy relationship made you oblivious to them.  Once a need opens up in your life, though, you start paying attention to filling that need, and the opportunities that were always there become more obvious to you.

Whether you need money, a new car, romance or good health, the core concept is the same.So if you want a new car, concentrate on new cars.  The law of manifestation will present you with plenty of opportunities to make a good buying decision, even if it doesn't park a new car in your driveway!

As I said, the law of manifestation is simple.There are other universal laws that you can use in combination to make the whole manifestation process much easier such as the law of vibration and the law of abundance.  There is no magic, but life itself can seem magical for those who master the universal laws.

Posted by universelaws at 5:15 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Staying Positive Side Effects
Mood:  amorous
Now Playing: Regina Specktor

Do you know someone who seems to always have a smile on their face and life just seem to be going their way?   They are positive and succeed. Why they believe there is hope hidden somewhere even when everything seems so desperate? Thinking things in a positive way is the key of their happiness. Your mind is a very powerful tool. What functions most in your life? The answer would be your nature and spirit. Your thoughts lead your behaviors. Which causes benefits or sufferings in your life. 

You will benefit a lot from staying positive. When people has a positive perspective, they have less stress.
They trust themselves more than others do.   They believe that the bad things that do happen to them are just small setbacks, like water rolling off their backs, they can easily overcome anything. And luck tends to fall on such kind of people. Keeping a positive attitude, they get what they want. 

It is known to all that people who have a sunny perspective enjoy life more. And they are farther away from illness and infectious diseases too. People with positive mind are more likely to beat cancer compared with those with negative minds. This law functions in weight loss too. People with weight issues are more likely to see positive results when staying positive. 

If you stay positive, people’s emotional health is guaranteed. A study done with clinically depressed patients going through cognitive therapy proved that by changing your thought pattern, you can get better results than you would with medication. Staying positive drives you to go further and realize your ideals. 

People with a bright soul are full of hope that a happy ending will arrive after all. In the deepest corner of their mind, they believe that with the coming of good things, bad things will be driven away.    While negative thinkers do not think so. In their mind, they are the creators of the miseries. They also think that bad things will keep show up one by one. They dare not imagine that something good will fall on themselves one day.

Happy guys are faithful to their desires. Staying positive can help you align your thoughts to what you want, helping you manifest your desires. Being a positive guy will allow you to enjoy more in your future. Change your way of thinking. Positive thinking really does have an effect on your life. Keep in mind that what control your emotions also control your life.

Posted by universelaws at 1:37 AM EDT
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Friday, 18 June 2010
What Is The Law Of Attraction? 3 Critical Steps To Manifest Your Desires
Mood:  chatty

The Universe is governed by 7 Laws. One example of these laws is the Law of Attraction (The Law of Perpetual Transmutation). What exactly is the Law of Attraction about? Every little thing is made up of energy, from dirt to the birds flying above us to the nails on your fingertips.  A lot of stuff you can observe and feel is made up of real energy.  If you take a more detailed look from molecules to atoms, eventually energy will be the only element remaining.

So exactly how does energy relate to the Law of Attraction?  Think about it, there isn't any solid substance holding your emotions and morals alongside one another. All of your feelings and ideas are made up of natural energy. If the planet is made up of pure energy, can't we use our emotions to create reality?

Our feelings and emotions pull in the bad and the good things that happen to us.  For every situation that transpires in your life, take responsibility for it.  You might be thinking, so how did I ask for that stubbed toe I got this morning , ran out of toilet paper and on top of that spilled coffee on my favorite shirt? Stubbing your toe began a chain reaction of negative thoughts that led to a tough start to your day. However, having optimistic thoughts can trigger a chain reaction of positive events in your life.  Getting started with your day with the optimistic perspective in your life can lead to a good morning.  You will need to believe that you have the power to control the outcome of your day by keeping track of your beliefs and thoughts.

You'll find 3 steps that happen to be significant components to the Law of Attraction.

Ask: You need to mentally picture what you want to manifest. The world would not know what to provide you unless of course you request it.

You need to without a doubt believe that whatever you're requesting will manifest itself before you.  Even the smallest doubt or fear are just going to get in the way of you getting what you ask for. Just know that the world has solutions for what you ask for.

Receive: You shouldn't expect what you're asking for is going to be handed to you on a silver platter.  If you wish to manifest your desires, you need to try really hard to employ acquiring your desired goals. Don't let chance slip by, when you get an opportunity, take it! Live life and be grateful for it as if you've already received everything you've always wanted.

Posted by universelaws at 2:25 PM EDT
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What Is The Law Of Attraction Action?
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: Radio
I frequently notice people making the same oversight when they apply the law of attraction: action.  Of course anyone can set out the intention to do or gain something and that the universe will simply hand it over to you.  Apparently, this doesn't really happen.  Just having a mental picture of all your needs isn't really going to get you very far if you're not prepared to put any work into it .

Does this imply the secret doesn't work and that it's just all wrong?  No, the secret does work and it's working right now.  You must put effort  into your life in order to make your dreams a reality.

The love of your life just isn't likely to just come knocking if you simply just sit there and visualizing it taking place.  That brand new outfit you may have had your eye on isn't going to magically show up onto your doorstep if you just wait there and desire for it to happen..  And regardless of how hard your shut your eyes and visualize, your not going to get that body you want by consuming junk food and drinking nothing but soda, despite the fact that it's diet.  The law of attraction is not how you get what you want by simply visualizing it, there is more to it than that.  You may actually have to make an effort to earn income you want, be healthy or find your perfect soul mate.

As you recall in The Secret,  Jack business shared a story about how exactly he earned $100,000 in a year using the law of attraction.  Did he make use of visualization to get his desired results?  Sure he did.  He also took action to be able to achieve his goal.  He wrote his own book, came up with his own idea of promoting his book in the Enquirer, and took the chance to be interviewed when the opportunity came.  What the essential word here is:inspired.It is possible to visualize and stay positive. But if you keep doing these things on a regular basis, you will start to be drawn to try and do things you might usually not do. For example, if you're considering of purchasing a new house, you may well start to see real estate signs every where you go..  It is important that you follow these nudges find the time to go visit that house and feel what it’s like to be in it.  It's taking matters into your own hands and talking to that Realtor and figuring out what he can do for you.  This is the law of attraction in action!

When action is needed to manifest your desired goals, then don't hesitate.  You may have to work on your own self confidence so you can be fearless enough to achieve your goals.  If you do all the inner work to get your thinking straight, all of the actions you need to take will seem so easy and effortless.  Taking your destiny into your own hands will be a natural feeling and it wouldn't seem like it is a chore to do.

Posted by universelaws at 12:48 PM EDT
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Thursday, 17 June 2010
Using The Secret Law Of Attraction - Three Methods
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Daft Punk
“The Secret” is a docudrama with a focus on the Law of Attraction. The impact it has had on people across the earth has been great, and may be one of the reasons why you're reading this article.“The Secret”, a website for a movie of the same name, has a page full of the emotional testimonials of folks who have tried using the law of attraction and found it to work.Not all the people who watched the move were emotionally moved by the “The Secret” and saw the secret law of attraction to be a misleading advertising campaign to rake in more money.

The secret, as far as I'm concerned, is a powerfully useful law that can bring around positive change to people's live.Along with thousands of others, I have tried implementing the law of attraction and it has had a greatly positive impact on my life. Others who were not successful in their endeavors and openly criticize the secret as a falsity.

If the secret law of attraction has worked for thousands of others, you may be wondering why it didn't work for yourself.

Simply put, the answer lies by your application of the law. One must be precise, persistent, appropriate, and relevant in applying the secret.Yes, how you apply the law is the “secret” to the secret law of attraction. You shouldn't be looking for the rewards of the law to just fall into your lap. Patience and persistence is the rule.

Compared with other animals, the human brain is a large organ considering our relative size. Once that powerful organ is focused, it becomes a formidable powerhouse.The secret law of attraction isn't just a “wishing machine”. It needs to have the full power, the full faith of your controlled mind to work.Your subconscious mind, though it's machinations may be invisible, is the powerful tool that will grease the cogs of the secret law of attraction.Questions will be answered, what was lost will be found, what was locked will be unlocked, if you believe in the power of your mind.If you have no faith, if you have no certainty, if you have fear in your heart, or if you have scorn for the secret law, it will not work for you.

You need to focus:

Without focus, you are like a ball gone wild at a ping-pong tournament. I know from my own life experience that focus is all-important.Did you know that your thoughts can delve into your brain and create emotions? If you're up one moment and down the next, you have no emotional stability and any effort will be for nothing.

Understand your feelings and aspirations:

Analyzing life's ups and downs is sometimes good, but many very smart people who are constantly thinking end up going nowhere.Your subconscious mind is the powerful driver that will allow you to see your desires manifest themselves. To control your subconscious mind, you must be in touch with your feelings. Remember that thoughts control emotions and emotions control actions.

“Act” is a verb:

To achieve anything, action is required, especially in making the secret law of attraction work for you.Actions are the road to manifestations. Build action upon a foundation of positive thinking and setting goals, but don't rely on them alone.

Proper application, consistent application, those are what you need to do to make the secret law of attraction work for you.Getting your subconscious mind to work in the way you want it to takes persistence and practice.Channeling your thoughts and emotions and focusing on your desires is what will make the secret law of attraction work for you.Once you get it set in your mind, once your inner eye has that perfect picture, then take actions to achieve your goal.

Wealth, love, and happiness can be yours with the the help of the secret law of attraction.Frustration is common. Don't let it get you down. Many tales of woe begin with, “If I'd just taken that one extra step!”

Posted by universelaws at 10:03 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 17 June 2010 10:14 PM EDT
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Quickly Attract Wealth (or Anything Else) With These Three Tips
Mood:  silly
Now Playing: Future Prophecies
Most people become aware of the law of attraction and their thoughts immediately turn to riches. Makes sense, right? The universe is bountiful, asking for wealth from that abundance is a no-brainer. Who wouldn't love the freedom and peace of mind that wealth can offer.

Being rich isn't exactly the same as going to heaven, it's not instant happiness. But ask anybody who's been both rich and poor, and they will tell you that rich is definitely better.

Following are some tips to rev the engines of your own wealth-attracting machinery.

Your first step is to shake off the negative thoughts and the negative people that obscure your goals. You probably know that, according to the law of attraction, you must constantly visualize and focus on the positive outcomes you want for your life. Once you've started towards your goal to turn your life around, bystanders, friends and strangers alike, may sneer and try to discourage you. What do you do?

In spite of how they may seem at the moment, these folks are probably just trying to help – they don't want to see you disappointed or hurt. Don't let their negativity get you down. We already know that to attract wealth and success, we must have a lot of  faith, desire, and perseverance. Perhaps they don't realize these truths.

Your first steps are often your most arduous. You should probably avoid these folks for the time being. Surprisingly, you'll probably find that once you get rolling the nay-sayers will stand aside.

Second – dream big. The universe is big, so ask of it in a big way. There's no need to dream small. The world is pretty persistent in what it demands from you. Be as persistent in your demands. Set a goal and go for it. Being realistic is not a dream or a goal.

Don't temper you goal with the word “realistic”. Opt for “far-fetched”. Far-fetched goals are often easier to reach than “real” ones. You've got lot more competition when you opt for “realistic goals”. Most people opt for those. Do you think  that Steve Jobs decided that Apple would just be a tiny little company and never challenge the largest software software company in the world? Probably not. Having a decent job, getting by, those are the so-called goals of many. But that's exactly what they got – not much.

The universe is expanding according to scientists. Expand your goals. Really now. Would you rather get by or would you rather be a wealth magnet?

Third, don't forget the action! Visualization is a very powerful tool in and of itself. Alone, however, it is not your ticket to wealth. Did you ever look at the odds on a lottery ticket? The odds are millions to one that you will hit the jackpot. About the same odds if you just sit around thinking about being rich.

Posted by universelaws at 9:39 PM EDT
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Manifesting Wealth? Three Secrets!
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Rob Dougan
The thinking isn't new. With positive thinking and faith, you can amass wealth of any sort.

Napoleon Hill has written a book, “Think and Grow Rich”, that outlines how one can go about manifesting wealth in one's life.The book is an inspiration as it tells the stories of average folks, using persistence and powerfully positive thinking, who have managed to pull themselves from catastrophic financial and personal lives to achieve remarkable wealth of many kinds.

To manifest wealth in one's life, Hill guides us with some basic principles:

Developing a Burning Desire for Riches – This is not to mean that you can just sit around hoping. You must develop a desire that is all-consuming. This is the crux of attracting wealth of all kinds in your life.Hill asks the reader to be specific. He instructs us to write down how much, by when, what kind, and the plan to get it.When you've come up with the answers to those questions and have made  your list, Hill wants you to read them aloud to yourself twice a day to instill these thoughts into the deepest recesses of your mind.

Develop Faith in Your Ability at Manifesting Wealth –  There is a great saying, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”FAITH! Faith is what Hill says you must have. To get the financially abundant life that you desire, you must have the deepest of feelings that it is coming to you.Everything you desire that the universe has to offer can be yours. Reading your list twice a day will burn that into your soul.

Act with Persistence Toward Your Goal – The third step in Hill's plan of action calls for just that – action – persistent action toward your desired outcome.

In my observation, there is a broad distinction between wishers and hopers and those that seem to pull together anything they want; the difference is action. They act, they move, they make realities.Your goal, once you have deep faith and burning desire, will require actions that seem effortless.

The story about Thomas Edison and his 10,000 failures as he was inventing the light-bulb is a perfect example of effort being easy. He knew it would eventually happen.Look at him this way: Step One – he had a strong desire to create a source of light. He believed in himself – Step Two. Step Three – he kept plodding along in the face of many failures until he got to where he knew he could go.

Hill says it all begins with thought. Once your thinking is changed and your focus is on the outcome and you really believe you can do it, you have made yourself into an unstoppable machine of determination. Your goal becomes a reality.

Posted by universelaws at 9:14 PM EDT
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Having Trouble Making Changes In Your Life?
Mood:  a-ok
I'd be a hypocrite if I told someone I was optimistic all the time. I go through positive and negative stretches in my life, like anyone else.  My thoughts are clearer now, thanks to the time I spend writing about the Law of Attraction. Thoughts and emotions play a big role in our everyday lives. 

The actions in our lives dictate whether we are happy.   

It wasn't easy for me during certain times where I took defeat and just wanted to give up.      I often asked why was I having such a hard day and feeling so down?     I realized I was unaware of what kinds of questions I should really be asking myself.    You can never give up and this quote that we've all seen makes it that more evident, 'if at first you don't succeed, try and try again'.   It's harder than it seems.       When manifesting change seems impossible, consider some of these thoughts. 

Humans are capable of creating in the present time, which is a great thing.  People have the ability to create anything.      Thoughts are all energy, and something needs to spark it.     Thoughts work like a magnet sometimes.     They attract thoughts from people and align them.  These statements are now scientifically proven.     Law of gravity applies to the world of physics and the Law of Attraction applies to the world of metaphysics.      Refrain from dwelling on negative things because it will only bring more suffering and grief.

Staying positive was very appealing to me, and I thought it was going to be very easy.    Affirmations don't help when used carelessly and when you aren't thinking.     It is difficult to change how your subconscious mind works.   By changing your belief system, you will allow the subconscious mind to attract more opportunities in your life.      In order to succeed, you must seek out the opportunities because we don't attract success without taking the action to grab them.   It’s good to have faith, but be sure to take action and not simply rely on the universe to drop everything in your lap.

Cause and effect happen all the time in the world.   This applies to our thoughts as well.     Learn to see the connection and you'll suddenly realize exactly how you're creating your life.

there is no turn "off switch" to the subconscious mind.  It works constantly all day.     Thoughts aren't evaluated or examined by it.   Whatever our conscious mind is fixated on, it just accepts and attracts.      By thinking, you are attracting problems and solutions.      If you want more opportunities, allow your mind to focus on desired outcomes and show gratitude.    If you want these opportunities to come your way, it’s up to you. 

The Law of Attraction in an intrinsic part of our lives.   Our thoughts will determine what direction our life is going in.    Never give up on your goals.     Stay focused.      Success can lead to more and more opportunities.  There will always be obstacles that get in the way of your desired goals. 

Posted by universelaws at 3:46 PM EDT
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