Now Playing: Regina Specktor
The law of manifestation (or attraction) is becoming more popular, as people learn of it and want to learn how to utilize it in forging their own success.It's misunderstood by some as some sort of magic, and by others as a hoax.
The core principal on which the law of manifestation rests is straightforward: thoughts become things.
The confusion is based on this simple concept as well.
Manifesting financial wealth, for instance, may seem to be as simple as imagining checks arriving daily by first-class mail.So you may sit down and think about checks coming in the mail. One for $10,000 here, one for $20,000 there. A few weeks - or even months - devoted to this little exercise should yield fantastic results, right?
But we know that all that effort was for naught - no money arrived as a result of your imagining. Why not?
The most simple explanation is this: thinking about money won't call it into being. The law of manifestation doesn't repeal the basic law of economics: wealth must be earned.
You have to put yourself into alignment in order to get money. Thinking a great deal about money will heighten your sensitivity to money-making opportunities.Your focus on money will become a "prism" through which you view the daily events of your life, so that when you see a vacant lot, you'll think about how you could make money there, or when you see a broken-down house, you wonder if you could buy it, fix it up and sell it for a profit.
Now, these things didn't just appear because you were thinking about money, you became aware of them because of your heightened sensitivity to money.Before you started concentrating on money, you weren't paying attention to money-making opportunities in your daily routine. Every moment of our waking lives, we're bombarded with all sorts of information, and to retain our sanity, we pay attention only to that information we believe will be meaningful for us. You probably don’t remember the color of the car you parked next to yesterday at work, or what color the cashier’s eyes were last time you went to the grocery store. With so much information coming our way, we can deal with only so much, and we basically ignore the rest.
By focusing on an intention, such as attracting money into our lives, we dial into that wavelength and we start to notice money making opportunities we otherwise wouldn’t. That's how the law of manifestation works.
Think about it. If you're in a romantic relationship you're happy with, you probably overlook many opportunities to get to know new people, now prospective partners. Because you're not concentrating about finding someone new, you don't. Yet if something goes wrong and you find yourself in the dating scene again, you'll find yourself suddenly confronted with all sorts of opportunities to meet new people with whom to explore the possibilities of romance. Those opportunities were always happening, but the fact that you were in a happy relationship made you oblivious to them. Once a need opens up in your life, though, you start paying attention to filling that need, and the opportunities that were always there become more obvious to you.
Whether you need money, a new car, romance or good health, the core concept is the same.So if you want a new car, concentrate on new cars. The law of manifestation will present you with plenty of opportunities to make a good buying decision, even if it doesn't park a new car in your driveway!
As I said, the law of manifestation is simple.There are other universal laws that you can use in combination to make the whole manifestation process much easier such as the law of vibration and the law of abundance. There is no magic, but life itself can seem magical for those who master the universal laws.