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“The Secret” is a docudrama with a focus on the Law of Attraction. The impact it has had on people across the earth has been great, and may be one of the reasons why you're reading this article.“The Secret”, a website for a movie of the same name, has a page full of the emotional testimonials of folks who have tried using the law of attraction and found it to work.Not all the people who watched the move were emotionally moved by the “The Secret” and saw the secret law of attraction to be a misleading advertising campaign to rake in more money.
The secret, as far as I'm concerned, is a powerfully useful law that can bring around positive change to people's live.Along with thousands of others, I have tried implementing the law of attraction and it has had a greatly positive impact on my life. Others who were not successful in their endeavors and openly criticize the secret as a falsity.
If the secret law of attraction has worked for thousands of others, you may be wondering why it didn't work for yourself.
Simply put, the answer lies by your application of the law. One must be precise, persistent, appropriate, and relevant in applying the secret.Yes, how you apply the law is the “secret” to the secret law of attraction. You shouldn't be looking for the rewards of the law to just fall into your lap. Patience and persistence is the rule.
Compared with other animals, the human brain is a large organ considering our relative size. Once that powerful organ is focused, it becomes a formidable powerhouse.The secret law of attraction isn't just a “wishing machine”. It needs to have the full power, the full faith of your controlled mind to work.Your subconscious mind, though it's machinations may be invisible, is the powerful tool that will grease the cogs of the secret law of attraction.Questions will be answered, what was lost will be found, what was locked will be unlocked, if you believe in the power of your mind.If you have no faith, if you have no certainty, if you have fear in your heart, or if you have scorn for the secret law, it will not work for you.
You need to focus:
Without focus, you are like a ball gone wild at a ping-pong tournament. I know from my own life experience that focus is all-important.Did you know that your thoughts can delve into your brain and create emotions? If you're up one moment and down the next, you have no emotional stability and any effort will be for nothing.
Understand your feelings and aspirations:
Analyzing life's ups and downs is sometimes good, but many very smart people who are constantly thinking end up going nowhere.Your subconscious mind is the powerful driver that will allow you to see your desires manifest themselves. To control your subconscious mind, you must be in touch with your feelings. Remember that thoughts control emotions and emotions control actions.
“Act” is a verb:
To achieve anything, action is required, especially in making the secret law of attraction work for you.Actions are the road to manifestations. Build action upon a foundation of positive thinking and setting goals, but don't rely on them alone.
Proper application, consistent application, those are what you need to do to make the secret law of attraction work for you.Getting your subconscious mind to work in the way you want it to takes persistence and practice.Channeling your thoughts and emotions and focusing on your desires is what will make the secret law of attraction work for you.Once you get it set in your mind, once your inner eye has that perfect picture, then take actions to achieve your goal.
Wealth, love, and happiness can be yours with the the help of the secret law of attraction.Frustration is common. Don't let it get you down. Many tales of woe begin with, “If I'd just taken that one extra step!”
Posted by universelaws
at 10:03 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 17 June 2010 10:14 PM EDT