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Universe Laws
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Taking Three Steps For Applying The Simple Law Of Attraction
Mood:  caffeinated
Power, the kind that makes you in control of your life, was the reaffirming thought that I brought away from viewing the movie, “The Secret. ”My emotions are controlled by my thoughts, my actions are controlled by my emotions, I am in control of whether I am happy or sad. The law of attraction is simple and I use it in my life to help me align and achieve my goals.

You can improve your life by using these three law of attraction techniques.

1.  Visualization.

This is not a simple technique to use when you have problems focusing on your goals, an important part of the simple law of attraction. 

Staying focused is not easy when your mind is echoing with thoughts like the noise in a busy train station. Your goals can become obscured, visualizing them is affected, when we become inundated with the deadlines, problems, and worries of our quotidian lives. Can't concentrate? Drop what you're doing and do something you love. This simple tip for the use of the law of attraction will put you in the proper place mentally, so you can make the law of attraction work for you. Channel thinking into the business of  your goals, your dreams toward realization, that should your main focus once you've regained control of your mind. 

Positive thinking and visualization are the foundation of the law of attraction and the law is basically the belief that like attracts like. However you choose to worship, or not, is meaningless regarding the law – how you think is what brings good or bad things into your life. Our thoughts, subconscious or conscious, attract the happenings, both good or bad, in our lives and thus we are responsible for the state in which we find ourselves. 

2.  Gratitude.

Giving thanks is so much a part of our lives or our worship, we often overlook the fact that it can be life-changing.

To reinforce the power of gratitude, I've come up with some ways to give thanks.  So that I recognize how it makes me a better person, a happier person.

Daily, give thanks the moment you awaken.

Construct a list in your mind and check off each item that makes you grateful.  This is a simple law of attraction technique to get your positive energy charged for the rest of the day.

Challenges are a gift, be grateful for them.

Opportunities – that's what challenges are.  From them you can grow and change.  They can change you into a winner or a whiner.

Making a gratitude list will get you through the roughest day.

No matter how bad the circumstances of the day in which you find yourself, you can always find something that brings you joy or gratitude.

No matter how little it may be, give thanks for what you have.

Everybody can see ways in which their lives can be improved.  Yearning for more or better circumstances is human nature.  Meanwhile, be thankful for what you have.  A fundamental rule of the law of attraction is being grateful for what you do have, no matter how measly it may seem.

3. Tomorrow always comes and it's just the same as yesterday without action.

Though rather simplistic in approach, “The Secret”, a movie, sets about illuminating the law of attraction. Too much emphasis has been placed on positive thinking and visualizing and not enough about the action required to manifest wealth in any form. More than just wishful thinking, the law of attraction demands more if you are to find your significant other or lose weight.

Certainly a feel-good movie and a good vehicle to teach about the law of attraction, it just doesn't dwell enough on the action required to manifest your desires.

Your quotidian concerns can divert you from taking the steps to turn your goals and aspirations into reality.

If this is the case, you need to do a few things to prevent life's distractions from sidetracking you.

Rolling the same old idea over and over in your mind will lead nowhere except into a bigger and bigger circle. Perfection is another bugaboo.  Always strive for it, but don't let it stop you.  A cup with a chip is better than no cup at all. Take your time, conserve your strength, be methodical.

The law of attraction will help you gain your goals more effectively and efficiently if you keep the above tips in mind.  Before you know it, you will be living the life you want to have on this earth.

Posted by universelaws at 2:32 PM EDT
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